My Holloween story

One night during a full moon, a ghost came out of its grave and at the time 3 explores named Keller,Corbin and Reyson were exploring for a ghost.It was dead silent until they heard a scream right after.They walked around and saw 2 dead clowns with half of there brains out.They called the cops when they showed up the clowns were gone…Later at 4:30 A.M. the explorers were in bed until they heard a big knock on their door.At first they thought nothing about it because they thought it was ding-dong-ditchers.They heard it again a few minutes later.Afterthe last knock they heard a rock being thrown at their window.They looked out the window and the window and they saw the same clowns from the graveyard.The cops showed up and arrested the clowns.Then evreybody lived happily ever after.

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